Sermon Outlines

Sermon #1: Students

Theme: Impacting international students.

Sermon #2: Refugees, OT Perspective

Theme: Caring for the plight of displaced peoples abroad.

Sermon #3: Immigrants

Theme: Helping immigrants in the U.S.

Sermon #4: The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Theme: Change the Question from, “Who is my neighbor?” to “Who is neighborly?”

Extra Sermon: Samaritans

Complete Sermon Outlines


Audio Sermon: Love All Your Neighbors by Monte Cox (presented at the ACU Summit 2016)
Listen to the sermon below.

Speak Against Culture by Dr. Shane J. Wood (presented at College Heights Christian Church February 12, 2017)

Promotional File

Download Promotional Material including RISE Logos, Slides and Banners, Colors, and more from The RISE Project’s Promotional Material Folder .


30 Days Of Prayer for Muslims during Ramadan

The Syrian Circle

ICOM 2017

Serving the University Mission Field Together:
Strengthening Partnerships Between the Local Church and Campus Ministries with Dave Embree and Lowell Kosak

Giving Your Life Away on the University Campus with a Panel of Campus Ministers:

The RISE Project:
Grant Recipients Tell Their Story of Reaching International Students with Greg Swinney

Engaging with People From Refugee Backgrounds:
Love Mercy with Traci Harrod

Engaging with People From Refugee Backgrounds:
Walk Humbly with Traci Harrod

Honor and Shame:
What’s the Big Deal? with Chris Flanders and Mike Schrage Part 1

Honor and Shame:
What’s the Big Deal? with Chris Flanders and Mike Schrage Part 2

ICOM 2016

Traci Harrod & Yvette Mujawayuhi Testimony on November 17, 2016 at ICOM.

Refugee Journey Workshops at ICOM 2016

The Refugee Response:
3 Ways to Respond that Reflect the Heart of God with Traci Harrod & Yvette Mujawayuhi​

More Than a Refugee:
3 Ways to Build Dignity-Giving Relationships with Traci Harrod & Yvette Mujawayuhi​

International Student Workshops at ICOM 2016

Starting an English Conversation Club:
Starting an English Conversation Club for International Students With Your Church or Campus Ministry with Bob Gailey & Kellar Stem​

Missions without a Suitcase:
Reaching International Students From Your Living Room with a Panel of International Student Ministers and Volunteers​

Honor – Shame
(World Wide Resources)

Honor Shame Blog

The 3D Gospel by Jayson Georges

Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures by Jayson Georges

The Global Gospel by Werner Mischke

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